Friday, October 17, 2014

Annie Hall

Starting off, I'm going to say that I am fairly ambivalent about this film.  I enjoy the plot and I like a lot of what was said and it's definitely a very quotable movie.  But I hate Alvy so much.  All he does is whine and about halfway through the movie I just wanted it to be over because I was so tired of listening to him complain about absolutely everything. But that aside, I still think that Woody Allen's use of comedy is pretty successful.  If we completely ignore how I feel about this movie and even what I thought was funny we see that Allen's humor definitely has a place in this world.  A show like Family Guy which pulls from any and all media forms to create sketches that people will either recognize or not but still find funny.  An example of this is when Arty and Annie are in the park and they are criticizing everyone that passes them and they make up little back stories for them.  Stewie and Olivia do the same thing in an episode of Family Guy.

Regardless of how anyone feels about this film, just the fact that Family Guy pulls from it is cold hard proof that Allen's humor is successful and has impacted somebody (at least Seth MacFarlane, maker of Family Guy) in some way.

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